New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness focuses on lasting solutions to end homelessness through research, education and advocacy.
New Hampshire Coalition to End Homelessness focuses on lasting solutions to end homelessness through research, education and advocacy.

NHCEH Testifies on House Bill 348
Click here to read NHCEH’s testimony
This bill will allow municipalities to establish a residency requirement of up to 90 days before individuals are able to apply for assistance. Individuals must demonstrate residency with a lease, car registration or utility bill in their name.
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NHCEH State of Homelessness in New Hampshire Annual Report Shows Continued Increases in NH Homelessness
The numbers tell a disheartening story. With a surge of 52.1% in the number of people experiencing homelessness, NH experienced the highest percentage increase in its Point in Time (PIT) Count of any state in 2023. In comparison, the national 2023 PIT Count grew only 12%.
Today, NH Coalition to End Homelessness (NHCEH) released the 2024 edition of The State of Homelessness in New Hampshire, a comprehensive analysis of the recent trends in homelessness in the Granite State published each year.
“This year’s report, based on available data from 2023, shows that, sadly, the growth in homelessness in NH continues, despite the passion and hard work that homeless service providers and other advocates expend every day to stem this tide,” said Jennifer Chisholm, Executive Director of the NH Coalition to End Homelessness. “It will take a lot of continued work to reverse these trends, but we know that homelessness is a solvable issue when the systems addressing it have ample resources and support.” (read more…)